
I have a Massive case of SPRING FEVER today: don’t want to work, feel lazy, can’t concentrate, can’t get motivated. The pollen load has fried my brain. There isn’t only one cure for this: CHOCOLATE.

But I don’t want no store bought stuff and it’s not yet time to bring out the chocolate Easter bunnies. My appetite is gone, and that NEVER happens with me. So I think, maybe if I hang out in the kitchen, I’ll figure out an inspirational activity that involves nutrition and CHOCOLATE.

Those aren’t brownies in the photo, oh no. They taste like fudge brownies! Oh my! Oh yes! I’m getting ready to put a scoop of ice cream on top of one of these because I missed lunch & snack today. And it’s the weekend, it’s somebody’s birthday, somewhere. I should celebrate that! Yes I should!

The recipe is below. This creation is a no preservative breakfast/snack bar with protein powder in it. Drink a full glass of liquid with it. The oats will expand and keep you full. There’s natural sugars for energy. One per day is the limit. You should eat actual foods for the rest of your meals.

Chew well your foods so that you have your body process the food instead of a machine. When your food is in liquid form or ground up already, it’s good to go. That means it mobilizes more quickly, and goes to sugar or fat more quickly. The longer it takes you to chew/process your food, the longer it takes the food to hit your bloodstream. Soft foods make for soft people.
